Title: Violet Visions (orig. Violette Visioner) was a traveling art installation with cultural events in 6 municipalities commissioned by Culture Ring East Jutland in 2017 and part of Culture Capital Aarhus2017. The aim is to make a hybrid, cultural statement that transcends red and blue (political) fractions and puts culture in the center of any community as the glue that holds us together.
The installation grows bigger and more colorful during its travels through Jutland with workshops and events for grown ups and children. Materials: galvanized iron in fibonnaci numbers that reaches a diameter of 13 meters, fabric flags made in workshops, string curtains, events.
Samsoe Municipality: cultural fusion food-art event with prizewinning chef Yasser Rahim Naz.
Odder Municipality: flag design workshop with designer Anne Werner.
Norddjurs Municipality: yoga workshop with Urd Lacroix.
Syddjurs Municipality: workshop and reading with writer Josefine Klougart.
Skanderborg Municipality: choir performance by composer Eyvind Gulbrandsen and IKI.
Favrskov Municipality: koncert with Katrine Stochholm and workshop with Favrskov culture schools and cand. mag. Marie Lange.
Collaborations and sponsors: Smededesign, Det Lille Sommerhotel, Sløjfen, Eriksminde Efterskole, Skanderborg Kulturhus, Sletterhage Fyrs venner, Kulturskolerne i Favrskov, Odder Bibliotek, Kvickly i Odder, Cementvarefabrikken i Sælvig.