I started my Diploma in Applied Permaculture pathway in 2020 with Permaculture Association Britain and completed it in the Group Diploma Adventure Program 14. May 2024 with tutors Looby Macnamara and Delvin Solkinson, as well as an assessment by Katie Shepherd and Interim portfolio assessment assisted by Tomas Remiarz and an international peer group. My overall goal has been is to deepen my knowledge of permaculture design, life design and a regenerative livelihood from the arts and add to the overall permaculture curriculum by exploring the edges of permaculture.
I hope you will enjoy my designs and sense the life & inspiration I get from doing permaculture holistic designs and share them with the world!
Learning! from left to right: Teacher Training and Advanced Design Course at Applewood Permaculture Center (2023), Group Diploma Adventure online worldwide Diploma program (2023), Sociocracy for All Academy 1-year program Certification (2023)
Teaching! from top left to bottom right: Introcourse for ROFH Folk Highschool art students (2023), contributing to Dr. Elaine Inghams Soil Food Web online PDC (2024), Introcourse with Eva Max at Skovhavelunden (2024), workshops at the Danish Permaculture Festival (2023), Degrowth Festival (2023) and CAFx Film Fellows program (2024), Panel on permaculture and city planning with Sebastian Marot, workshops at Skovhuset Art & Nature and much more. CV here
Community! For 4 years I have been part of Permaculture Denmark´s board of trustees, Art+Science+Permaculture (since 2021) creating free and accessible workshops and Gardening is Activism I & II (since 2023) at AKB Lundtoftegade social housing association and Skovhuset Art and Nature exhibition space.
PDC certificate (2018) // Teacher Training certificate (2023) // Certificate in Applied Permaculture (2023) // Diploma in Applied Permaculture (2024)
Permaculture Design Course PDC
I did my PDC in 2018 at Friland, Denmark, with Cathrine Dolleris, Karoline Nolsoe Aaen and Tycho Holcomb. I am currently a member of Permaculture Association Britain and Permaculture Denmark, where I am also a member of the Education group and the PR and Communications group.
Applying Permaculture to my life since 2016
I design everything in my life on a frequent or even daily basis: our family holidays, my livelihood, our diet, transportation, clothes etc.
Our garden and home is year by year transforming into a living ecosystem with circular closed loops and lots of selfsufficiency and nature connection.
Our family is well on its way to permification! Our holidays and vacations are in nature, we eat plantbased and are taking regenerative courses together.
My livelihood have become permaculture & art! I teach regenerative practices in culture, community, science and higher art institutions full time now.
Demonstrating Design Skills
Ethics, Principles and Theory:
I have used the three main ethics Earth care, People care and Fair share throughout all of the designs as well as additional ethics sourced from the Permaculture Design Deck, encompassing knowledge from numerous source teachers.
Design Processes:
I have used numerous design processes for both master pattern frameworks as well as quick design frameworks within a main framework in my ten designs: SADIM (Design 7 and 9), OBREDIMET (Design 4), DESIGN WEB (Designs 1, 3, 5 and 8), GOSADIMET (Design 3 and 8), IKIGAI (design 2) and developed my own design framework ZENIFY (designs 6, 8 and 10), available here for free courtesy of Permaculture Design Deck.
Show a variety of Designs:
Since the most common permaculture design is a garden, I wanted to stretch the edges and produce a number of different designs encompassing all the aspects of a permaculture livelihood, active association and community work as well as family and collaborative designs. But of course, I included two garden designs, one of my own family garden and a larger community garden project.
Use a variety of Design Tools:
I have used numerous tools throughout my designs, as listed in the Design notes in the beginning of all the designs. A few tools that have been very useful to me and contributed to changes in patterns and reframing my thinking has been 8+1 capitals, fostering regenerative, abundance thinking, using PMI evaluation tool on all kinds of levels in the designs for deep reflection the tools themselves, and using Design Frameworks as Tools! This has been a signature of my diploma, experimenting and discovering the different aspects of doing quick designs as tools within a larger design and it has been very useful for structuring decision processes and gaining pattern literacy.
Produce Designs that are Intelligble, Coherent and Effective:
All the designs are implemented and have been read by other designers to check if they are comprehendable and usable as well as the actual clients.
Used appropriate Documentation:
Used Google slides. Very helpful for collecting images, links and information online in one place, that afterwards has been accessible to everyone, everywhere. I took photos and made notes either in notebooks or collected in online drives during design processes.
Present 10 Designs:
My 10 Designs are available above.
Fluency with Design Processes, Ethics, Principles and Tools:
I enjoy to design on a daily basis and this means I love to expand my knowledge of new tools too. I especially do many quick designs with a single framework or use the ethics and a single principle to guide a choice on the go. I do feel I have a great toolbox now, that keeps on expanding out of curiosity.
Link to final FPA 1 & 2 Assessment upcoming
14th of May 2024 6 - 8 PM CET+1
Video of my Diploma presentation with Looby Macnamara, Delvin Solkinson, a peer group, Group Diploma Adventure co-participants and permaculture designers from around the world. A truly uplifting share of many years of life design and regenerative life transformation for myself, family, work, communities and gardens.