”Jeg har oplevet Mollison, Holmgren og en række andre 'VIPs' indenfor permakultur, men sidste års oplevelse af Skye "in action" med workshop ledelse slår mig som den bedste oplevelse af utroligt gennemtænkt formidling af emnet.
Med det mener jeg at oplevelsen var på så mange niveauer at det træffer (tror jeg) alle de forskellige typer af reception som en divers gruppe jo har. Anbefales!”
- Max Vittrup Jensen
“Learning with Skye Jin has been a profound and transformative process. Her visionary creativity, exploratory intelligence and innovating approach to permaculture design is a breath of fresh air and boost of inspiration. Anyone lucky enough to be on a team with Skye Jin will be upgraded by her presence. Skye Jin is an extraordinary human who has my deep respect, admiration and support."
- Delvin Solkinson, Permaculture Teacher & Mentor
"Skye Jin is a natural facilitator. Her enthusiasm, care and creativity with her subject and her students helps to open us up to new ideas and inspirations -
and so to new possibilities and solutions. Thank you for the learning you have shared to me."
- Emily Howgate, Permaculture teacher and Sustainability consultant. UK
“With delightful passion, Skye Jin honors evidently the life-affirming essence of permaculture.
As she holds the qualities of a great educator, her artful skills brighten her teachings up for our greater enjoyment. She cares, and her engagement in the permaculture movement by multiple ways testify it admirably.”
- H. Camille Rocha Ribeiro,
Permaculture designer
Heart connection
I am passionate about teaching and developing permaculture. Since 2016 I have re-designed my own life with Permaculture and dedicated my work to co-create and nurture regenerative cultures.
I am a specialist in SOCIAL PERMACULTURE
My practice is particularly informed by care, inclusion and diversity. I work with a SAFER SPACE policy. I also have experience with gifted children/adults and multicultural or vulnerable communities.
My life and activities are synchronised with natures cycles and I live with my family at Sønderlundens Family Permaculture Garden LAND center - demonstrating permaculture design on a family scale, sustainable economy and 50% selfsufficiency in a relatable and achievable way. Be inspired by my Design 4: Family Garden & Multispecies Safe Space or learn with me!
Contact me on for inspiring workshops, specialist design advisory, lectures, 1:1 tutorials, facilitating community designs. Danish and English fluent.
Permaculture ethics:
Earth Care, People Care, Future Care
Permanent + Culture = Permaculture is a wholistic design system for all aspects of life, that regenerates natural resources. It is a system of ethics, principles design processes and tools that was originally coined by biologist Bill Mollison and landscape designer David Holmgren in the book Permaculture 0ne (1978) and refined in Permaculture Designer´s Manual (1988) and Permaculture Principles & Pathways Beyond Sustainability (2017) and by many other teachers globally since.
Permaculture design and systems thinking is deeply inspired by indigenous livelihoods and traditions of sustainable land-based and cultural ecosystems.
The roots of permaculture design is in academia and science, although radically free, open and challenging to this onset in its ethical, wholistic, positive and practical approach to climate challenges and a low-carbon future.
Danish or English fluent. Online on zoom : 45 min tutorials are 500 dkk / 66 euro / 56 pounds including personalised preparation or review of design material.
3 tutorial-package is available for your design case with a deeper teaching needs assessment, hand-outs and more. PKDK members get 50 dkk discount.
”Din måde at arbejde på, dine metoder og dit nærvær har været utroligt inspirerende for mig. Fx er ZENIFY nu et design jeg bruger til mange ting i mit liv - tak for at introducere det!”
- Margrethe Møller, Musician @moller_music
“I had been feeling stuck with the Diploma and decided to have a tutorial session with Skye Jin. This was a joyful journey through my ideas, wishes, needs and potential, pinning it down to concrete steps that coordinate my heart’s desires with action in order to tune my inner compass toward the life I want to live and the gifts I want to give out to the world! Thank you, Skye!”
- Ana Mouga Duarte, Visual Artist & Permaculture Designer @artandpermaculture
“Tak Skye! Det er fantastisk det hele, meget glad for den store indsigt du har. Det giver mod til at komme rigtig i gang! “
- Heidi Phoebe Holm Nikolaisen, Visual Artist @up_on_permaculture_hill
“Tak Skye, for sparring. Tak fordi du kom forberedt og guidede mig til at få mest mulig ud af din sparring. Tak for at skabe en god ramme og for at sætte din viden i spil, så jeg blev 'efterladt' uden flere spørgsmål Tak for din energi, din nysgerrighed og evne til at jeg følte mig inviteret og inkluderet i det felt, hvor jeg nu tager mine 'første' skridt "
- Louise Leisemei Paustian , Graphic designer @leisemei
PDC stands for Permaculture Design Course and is a standard 72 hour curriculum - a great basis for practicing permaculture - everyone should take it!
Se more here: Permakultur Danmark
A Diploma in Applied Permaculture is the next level, self organized design study with a tutor of minimum 2 years; most people study between 3 to 10 years. Here you can go more in depth to be a skilled permaculturist and also teach association approved PDC courses. I can offer 1 : 1 specialist tutorials on individual designs on diploma level.
I have studied with Permaculture Association Britain & the visionary, world-class program in cultural diploma designing: Group Diploma Adventure
I make permaculture designed art projects or co-facilitate holistic public art projects. I can help organizations align with core values, have better workflows, a smaller carbon footprint and I understand particularly the intersection of art, co-creation and sustainability. Contact me at
Current projects include:
Gardening is Activism is a co-creative art, permaculture and community gardening movement
Hosting Lands Winner of the Bikuben Foundation Vision Prize and an expanded, caring and sustainable art project taking place in multiple locations in Denmark from 2023-2026.
ART+SCIENCE+PERMACULTURE interdisciplinary art collective with senior scientist Pierre-Elouan Réthoré and development engineer Mikkel Friis-Møller from DTU Risø Windenergy.
“Thank you so much for the workshop, it really sparked a lot of ideas as well as gave some good foundations for imagining and developing our projects. We met yesterday, and we couldn't stop talking about how wonderful it was and how beautiful of a space it cultivated amongst each other that day and for the coming weeks. A very unique gift that you are able to make complete strangers feel so comfortable and welcome. “
- Maite Cintrón Cordero, CAFX Film documentary workshop
I work with life design, sociocracy and equity, cultural emergence, multi-species safe spaces, decolonisation, co-creation, life design, learning communities as resilience strategy, encouragement and empowerment. I do workshops for regenerative economy as ecosystems, life design, team building and intentional culture, deep nature reconnection, children and family friendly workshops and permaculture design courses. Contact me for detailed info on workshops at:
Current projects include:
Social Permaculture Designs and Life Desing - this is my speciality!
Lively, interactive workshops on permaculture, regenerative group design and much more
Crossing Circles sociocracy education and development of equal decision structures
“Det var simpelthen sådan en hjertevarm, sjov, givende og aldeles vel-faciliteret workshop i går! Tusinde tak for det! Jeg er ret imponeret over hvor dygtigt du formidler kompleksiteter på en tilgængelig og simpel måde. Vi var/er meget glade”
Pernille Møller Taasinge, Åben Dans, Roskilde egnsteater
Permaculture gardens and food forests can be designed for any place! In the city, on polluted lands, by the ocean, villagardens, fields and inside existing forests. We always design with nature and learn from how nature works. I design circular ecosystems with high biodiversity and a good yield all year round with the purpose of regenerating natural and social resources and I always pair land based designs with people designs for optimal resilience and holistic care. Contact me for more info:
Current projects include:
Skovhavelunden for Til Vægs AKB Lundtoftegade with 2000 citizens from 40 nationalities.
LAND center: Sønderlunden´s Family Permaculture Garden that sustain my family with around 50% of our food. Diploma design 4
Skovhuset Kunst og Natur Art institution. Community garden with volunteers, childrens program and workshops in permaculture, group dynamics, ecosystem thinking and co-creation.
“Tusind tak. Hvor var det bare en fin workshop! Og mange glade personer. Vi glæder os til alt som skal ske.”
- Lene Crone Jensen, Skovhuset Kunst og Natur
I live with my partner and two children at the 800 m2 Sønderlundens Family Permaculture Garden LAND Center: LAND stands for: Learning, Activity, Network, Demonstration and is an international network of Permaculture Demonstration sites. See more at Permaculture Denmark´s LAND page