Think & act from patterns to detail = from global concerns and distant power structures to local grounded actions and inclusion. Bottom up.
Gardening is Activism is a regenerative approach to contemporary art, rooted in the social commons and circularity: where individual existence is dependent on the whole, across many generations. Decolonial at its core, with care for the earth, people, and fair distribution, it embodies global feminist solidarity and co-creation.
Instead of a modernist, vertical, hierarchical, and industrial worldviews, we can draw inspiration from collective cultures, regenerative cultures, sustainable cultures, and immerse ourselves in a holistic practice.
As artists, we can set aside the empty rhetoric and sincerely rebuild resources and life using all our competencies in the first attempts of a new contemporary art.
Regenerative art that can grow and nourish itself from the ruins of institutions and cultures that have failed. From the ground-up activism, where the land and the people we collaborate with are genuine relationships cultivated over time - not egocentric monoliths, but living, co-created cultures and ecosystems for those who come after us.
Artist & founder of Gardening is Activism: Skye Jin
Illustrations: Roar Lerche, Brenna Quinlan, Mathilde Sahlholdt and others
In collaboration with Permakultur Danmark
Brought to life within the Skovhavelunden community in Lundtoftegade at Til Vægs
BEFORE (2023) and AFTER (2024) Skovhavelunden at AKB Lundtoftegade social housing association, Denmark.
GARDENING IS ACTIVISM & SKOVHAVELUNDEN posters! Illustrations: Roar Lerche / Text: Skye Jin. Sold for 200 Dkk. Contact
Gratis workshops hver torsdag fra d. 4. april kl 16:00-18:00 på Lundtoftegade 23, København N. Fællesspisning hver d. 1. torsdag i måneden!
Skovhavelunden er en skøn urban permakulturhave midt på Nørrebro i AKB Lundtoftegade, som er hjem for 2000 beboere af 40 nationaliteter. Projektet er startet af Skye Jin og huses af den kunstaktivistiske platform Til Vægs. Støttet af AKB Lundtoftegade, Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommunes Biodiversitetspulje og Nordea Fondens Her-gror-vi pulje.
Co-creative Community Garden using permaculture design, Cultural Emergence and artistic process at Lundtoftegade 23 in Copenhagen, Denmark in collaboration with activist art platform Til Vægs and the social housing association AKB Lundtoftegade with 2000 residents of 40 nationalities. Supported by AKB Lundtoftegade, The Danish Arts Fund, Copenhagen Municipality Biodiversity Fund and The Nordea Fund Her-gror-vi-puljen.
Illustration: Brenna Quinlan
2024: Skovhuset Kunst og Natur has sadly ceased to exist because of political lack of funding. Since the 1970s this association has shown art and been a locally rooted place of culture, volunteers, community and artschools in the forest. Appreciation for everyone who worked there and may all the community seeds grow in other places.
Permaculture designed art exhibition and collaboration with art institution Skovhuset Art & Nature including a growing learning community around a small edible shadow garden designed with permaculture and Cultural Emergence principles and ethics in participatory workshops and Gardening is Activism II posters made for Permaculture Denmark with illustrations by Roar Lerche and participatory installations inviting to regenerative actions and community connections. Supported by the Danish Arts Fund.